Buffet vs Plated vs Lauriat

If you were to ask me, I would definitely go for Lauriat type. I prefer this because in my dream wedding, this is the type of food I want to serve for my guests. I cannot forget the wedding we attended in Manila Hotel wherein I was really overwhelmed with the food. I want my guests to feel the same way.

First choice was Lauriat, unfortunately as we canvass with different caterers, only few serves this type. So far, Tjoie the Caterer is our only choice. Other hotels also serves lauriat but they are too expensive. If only I could afford to get the Manila Hotel, I'd definitely go for it. But then, I have to go back to reality. :) We need to cut down the budget for the food. Gloria Maris Greenhills is also another choice. I love the place and the food, but manager who entertains our inquiries is not really accommodating. is this how you entertain your clients?

Next choice was Buffet, since most of the venues have wedding packages with Buffet type , we might as well consider this. If ever we go for buffet, I want to have carving stations and dessert bar. :)

As for the Plated Type, I don't really consider this at all. :)

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